The Global Management Challenge is based on a realistic simulation of business life as seen through running a fictitious company. A computer program of EDIT 515 UK, which was conceived and developed by the operational Research Department of the University of Strathclyde, Scotland (being the key topic of the Master of Business Administration degree of the Scottish Business School) , in which a number of companies (represented by the various teams) compete in a common business environment in order to achieve the highest share price for their companies.
The computer model , which forms the basis of this sophisticated program, analyses the Marketing, Production, Personnel, Purchasing and Finance decisions made by the various competing companies and calculates the resulting order between them.
The computer model really shows how a company works; the role of each of its divisions, and why they must all co-ordinates their efforts to achieve an optimum result.
Teams taking part have to learn how to plan ahead , using the available information to forecast the consequences of the decisions they made. The team, as such, has to learn how to work together and, in doing so, learn and appreciate the role that each divisional manager has in a real life organization.
The Goal for each team is to obtain the highest share price for the company it manages; the share price reflects the results obtained and the general financial condition of the company.
A Team ( 3 to 5 individuals) manages a fictitious company.
A Group is made from 3 to 8 teams. Teams within a group compete directly against each other.
The Global Management Challenge is played in three Rounds (first round, second round and final round).
Each round consists of five Quarters , each quarter requiring a set of decisions by each competing team.
Each participant in the CHALLENGE needs to download below three documents.
2.1 The Manual
The Manual explains the organization and structure of a fictitious company, and also contains a record of its past year's operations, available for download on the Internet.
2.2 Decision Sheets
Decision Sheets are the means of transmitting the decisions made by the teams to the computer program.
2.3 Quarterly Company Report
Quarterly Company Report shows each company's accounts, operating statistics and general information for that period. The team's decisions should be based upon the last Quarterly Company Report.
At the start, each team should organize itself to carry out the senior management responsibilities for its simulated company, including sales and marketing, purchasing, finance and administration, distribution, personnel, product development, etc.
After studying and discussing the information provided by the Manual (general outlook of the company and current market situation of its products), each team prepares and submits a first set of decisions. These decisions cover the whole spectrum of business life: marketing, production, personnel, purchasing and the set-up of a viable financial framework.
The Quarterly Company Report shows teams performance and is the basis for the next set of decisions and subsequently the next Quarterly Company Report , and so forth till the end of the First round .
Decisions must reach the organizer, before a pre-set deadline. When computation is completed, the result (Quarterly Company Report) is sent back to each team.
The winning team of the National Final is invited to participate in the INTERNATIONAL FINAL , along with the winning teams from all the other countries involved.